LLama2 Files Analysis


  • "_name_or_path": Specifies the name or path of the pretrained model, in this case, "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf".

  • "architectures": Indicates the model architecture, which is ["LlamaForCausalLM"].

  • "bos_token_id" and "eos_token_id": Specify the IDs for the beginning-of-sequence (BOS) and end-of-sequence (EOS) tokens, respectively.

  • "hidden_act": Defines the activation function used in the model, which is "silu" (Sigmoid Linear Unit).

  • "hidden_size": Represents the dimensionality of the hidden states in the model (4096).

  • "initializer_range": Specifies the range for initializing the model's weights (0.02).

  • "intermediate_size": Indicates the dimensionality of the intermediate layer in the model (11008).

  • "max_position_embeddings": Defines the maximum sequence length that the model can handle (4096).

  • "model_type": Specifies the type of the model, which is "llama".

  • "num_attention_heads" and "num_key_value_heads": Represent the number of attention heads and key-value heads in the model (32).

  • "num_hidden_layers": Indicates the number of hidden layers in the model (32).

  • "pretraining_tp": Specifies the tensor parallelism used during pretraining (1).

  • "rms_norm_eps": Defines the epsilon value for RMS normalization (1e-05).

  • "rope_scaling": Indicates the scaling factor for RoPE (Rotary Position Embedding), which is set to null.

  • "tie_word_embeddings": Specifies whether to tie the word embeddings (false).

  • "torch_dtype": Indicates the data type used for the model's weights ("float16").

  • "transformers_version": Specifies the version of the transformers library used (4.32.0.dev0).

  • "use_cache": Indicates whether to use caching during inference (true).

  • "vocab_size": Represents the size of the model's vocabulary (32000).


  • "bos_token_id" and "eos_token_id": Specify the IDs for the beginning-of-sequence (BOS) and end-of-sequence (EOS) tokens, respectively.

  • "do_sample": Indicates whether to use sampling during generation (true).

  • "max_length": Defines the maximum length of the generated sequence (4096).

  • "pad_token_id": Specifies the ID for the padding token (0).

  • "temperature": Controls the randomness of the generated output (0.6).

  • "top_p": Specifies the cumulative probability threshold for top-p sampling (0.9).

  • "transformers_version": Indicates the version of the transformers library used (4.32.0.dev0).

model.safetensors.index.json: This file contains the weight map, which maps the names of the model's parameters to their corresponding safetensors files. It helps in loading the model weights from the safetensors format.


  • "bos_token", "eos_token", and "unk_token": Define the special tokens used in the model, such as the beginning-of-sequence (BOS), end-of-sequence (EOS), and unknown (UNK) tokens. Each token is represented as an object with properties like "content", "lstrip", "normalized", "rstrip", and "single_word".


  • "add_bos_token" and "add_eos_token": Specify whether to add the BOS and EOS tokens during tokenization (true and false, respectively).

  • "bos_token" and "eos_token": Define the BOS and EOS tokens as added tokens with properties similar to the special tokens.

  • "chat_template": Provides a template for generating chat-based responses. It includes instructions for handling system messages, user messages, and assistant messages, as well as special tokens like <<SYS>>, <</SYS>>, [INST], [/INST].

  • "clean_up_tokenization_spaces": Indicates whether to clean up tokenization spaces (false).

  • "legacy": Specifies whether to use legacy tokenization (false).

  • "model_max_length": Defines the maximum length of the model (a very large value).

  • "pad_token": Specifies the padding token (null).

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